YSAFE Strategy 2023-2028
YSAFE announces their new strategy for 2023-2028.

All YSAFErs are first and foremost members of national IPPF MA youth groups and are therefore part of the global IPPF community. YSAFErs have been active contributors to the development of ‘Come Together, IPPF’s global strategy for 2023-2028′. The key principles of the global IPPF strategy are integrated into this new YSAFE strategy.
As such, this document outlines how we as a regional IPPF youth network can best contribute towards achieving the intended outcomes of IPPF’s global results framework. Our YSAFE results will contribute in particular to our global IPPF ambitions in pillars in relation to shifting social norms about sexuality, improving access to youth-centred information and care, and focusing our work more closely on the needs of marginalized people.
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