About Us

YSAFErs are volunteers under the age of 25 who are active in IPPF Member Associations in Europe and Central Asia. Our goal is to ensure that young people everywhere are able to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). We educate our peers and advocate for young people to claim their SRHR and to take part in shaping their societies. We believe that all young people should have the right to decide of their own bodies and to be able to express their gender and sexual identities without fear of discrimination or violence.

YSAFE was officially formed by young members of IPPF in 2006 as the federation wanted to engage more young people. We have our own rules and regulations and our highest decision-making assembly is at our Annual Meeting where an executive Steering Committee is elected each year by national delegates. YSAFE is an acronym of “Youth Sexual Awareness For Europe”, but we are working equally in Central Asia and Europe and many of our members are Russian-speaking.

Our Members
All YSAFErs are also members in one of IPPF’s member associations in Europe or Central Asia. There are over 30 MAs in this region and all of them face very similar AND very different issues when it comes to SRHR. You can find our MAs here.
To become a YSAFE member you have to be 25 years old or younger and part of an IPPF EN national MA. Ask your MA youth coordinator for more information! You’ll need to fill out an application form and get your MA to email us confirming that you are their member.
There are many ways to be an active YSAFEr. Our members have access to forums of young people from around the world to discuss with, shared resources and tactics with, and to join forces with to participate in international projects creating new resources for sexuality educators and activists. There are also possibilities to write on our blog or post on our social media. We also work in task forces throughout the year focusing on subjects like communications, advocacy and the future of our network.

YSAFE Strategy 2023-2028
All YSAFErs are first and foremost members of national IPPF MA youth groups and are therefore part of the global IPPF community. YSAFErs have been active contributors to the development of ‘Come Together, IPPF’s global strategy for 2023-2028. The key principles of the global IPPF strategy are integrated into this new YSAFE strategy.
As such, this document outlines how we as a regional IPPF youth network can best contribute towards achieving the intended outcomes of IPPF’s global results framework. Our YSAFE results will contribute in particular to our global IPPF ambitions in pillars in relation to shifting social norms about sexuality, improving access to youth- centred information and care, and focusing our work more closely on the needs of marginalised people.

Klesja Bitri (she/her) Age:16Member Association
Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD)

Dameli Tileshpayeva (she/her) Age: 21Member Association
Kazakhstan association on sexual and reproductive health (KMPA)

Nino Maisuradze (she/her) Age:17Member Association

Erbol Tiukebaev (he/him) Age: 23Member Association
Reproductive Health Alliance of Kyrgyzstan (RHAK)

Azra Mehmedovic (she/her) Age: 23Member Association
Institute for Population and Development (IPDBiH)